Our Volunteers
Our volunteers are our local heroes! Without the support from the community, many of our projects and work wouldn't be possible. As a community organisation, we listen to our local residents and do our best to provide services to meet their needs. Volunteers help us understand these needs and they support us with a wide range of skills, experience and knowledge to make where we live a great place to be.
NEW Volunteering Opportunity for our wildlife project.
We have an exciting NEW wildlife project coming soon and looking for volunteers to help us support the project and get involved. We need help with litter picking, land clearance, DIY skills, interest in the outdoors/ wildlife and someone who can make a good cuppa tea and cake Sounds of interest? Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you!

Thank You
Meet some of our volunteers....
Glenda has supported our Toddle Time group since we reopened after lockdown and helps in the kitchen serving hot drinks and snack for families that attend our parenting group every Thursday.
Anne-Marie initiated our Happy Dayz Group with Jane and meet every Thursday afternoon supporting our mental health and wellbeing group.
Jane is also a trustee here at LCDP and supports staff and service users with her unlimited amount of passion and expertise.
Thank you for everything to do for us!
Community Give Back
Back in June 2023, we were very fortunate to secure funds to purchase a shed for our community garden. To allow the shed to be installed, a fantastic team of volunteers came from CBRE to help us install a base in readiness for installation. The team spent the day in the garden helping us prepare the space and lay foundations, a sub team also went over to Brynna Community Centre to repaint an external wall. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

Our community garden has developed so much since we took on the space in February 2023. Dawn has been a huge support to us planning and preparing the garden ready to sow, plant and harvest. Dawn and her family has invested a huge amount of time in the garden and helped us welcome many more volunteers to support our community space. Thank you so much to the Doyle Family for all your hard work and commitment!